Samsung Electronics launched the innovative digital pocket camera with dual screen. Through the LCD located on the front and back of the camera, users can more easily claimed in placing himself into the portrait.
This camera series ST550 and has 1.5 inch LCD on the front and an LCD touch screen 3.5-inch in the rear. With 1.152 Kpixels, ST550 LCD has a resolution that is almost four times larger than the camera in general and is also equipped with haptic vibration effects for ease of use.
12.2 megapixel CCD and wide-screen lens Schneider-Kreuznach 27mm with 4.6 x optical zoom provides coverage of the arrest of a broader picture of the much closer, and able to produce a clear picture and clean with a balanced resolution of the image center to the sides.
Sang Jin Park, CEO of LG Digital Imaging Company said, this camera is the first in his class. "It is time for the photographer to switch roles and become the subject of their own photographs, mainly in order to
popularized the self-portrait or picture profiles for use at sites popular social networking right now, "he said in a written statement.
In terms of features, enhanced with Smart ST550 Gesture User Interface (UI) with Gravity sensors embedded in it that indicates when the camera lights, a simple touch on the front of the LCD will make it light up and the camera will automatically set the self-portrait mode with Smile Detection.
This means that if consumers want to take pictures themselves, they just need to touch, a smile and the picture will be drawn automatically, without having to press the shutter button. Plus features Smile Shot, Face Recognition Smart and Smart Auto, promised consumers can take perfect pictures with ease.
Face Recognition Technology Smart Samsung were able to recall up to 20 faces and adjusts lighting to focus also faces the most frequently caught the camera. It allows consumers to find images with faces registering and sorting to get a picture in their album Smart quickly than if you had to see the pictures one by one.
ST550 can also record 720p HD video at 30 pictures per second in H.264 format, providing the capacity to record more than twice as much as MPEG4 format, and four times more than the MJPEG format.
Source: detikINET
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What about you : Samsung ST550
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